Bringing my son to Child's Dream Foundation is one of the best decisions we made. Indeed they have empowered my son and our family to sustain his development. While Jaden received his special education classes, they taught us varied strategies for handling my son's special needs. This guaranteed that intervention continued most especially at home. Jaden made a remarkable development that enabled him to join a regular class and enjoy a small group of friends. Our family is truly blessed and privileged to have the support of the Dream Team. My son continuously shows his potential and remarkably pushes boundaries.
- Lalyn Dulad
-The importance of early intervention is evident in Nathan's case. We followed Dr. Dimalanta's advice. We attended seminars given by Child's Dream, and attended activities that they freely offer, like arts, and dance, We are grateful to God for guiding us in the right direction, and blessing us with the right people with golden hearts and intelligent minds. Nathan has improved a lot, though there will still be instances that he has wrong grammar or using words that are not appropriate for the situation, but he is a better version of himself everyday. We hope and pray that every parent raising children with special needs or not, will be guided with the important tips as well.
- Jeana Concha
On Internship
My mother was a teacher at a special needs school. Under her influence, I paid extra attention to an autistic friend, spending a lot of time with him.
Hoping to help more kids, I learned by chance about A Child’s Dream Foundation. With my mother’s and guardians' encouragement, I signed up as a volunteer. At first, I expected the kids to be drastically different from us, but as time passed, I realized they were the same, only that they spent more time in their own world. Yes, they need a little bit of help, but they are just the same as us.
In each Series, the kids attend sessions in sports, music, art, reading, and theatre every weekday afternoon. In the beginning, I thought that my work was unimportant; however, I was touched when Teacher Anne told me my accompaniment left a huge impact on the kids, I felt honored and motivated.
More importantly, I think I am also being cured along with the kids. I had once been one who was afraid to draw. I feared that everyone else would say, “Oh, your art is ugly.”, but Teacher Anne said, “There is no bad art.” In each art session, we encourage the kids to draw and compliment their work. During this process, I realized that not only kids are learning to be creative and to be able to appreciate other’s works, but we are doing the same thing. We grow with them.
This volunteering experience has far exceeded my expectations, and I learned so much while being with the kids. Through my tiny effort, I hope that more people will know about special education and help the kids.
- Xinyi "Yona" Wang
My time at A Child's Dream was short but fun. It was held online which may not be as great as face-to-face ones, but we still had a great time and experienced different things. From the activities we did, we learned more about the status of mental health within the country, the need to raise awareness, and the responsibility we must teach other people. So, all in all, time spent was short but meaningful and fruitful.
- Riborne Taoaguen
Having my internship at A Child's Dream Foundation was an eye opener. I have witnessed unique and talented children, and despite the drawbacks this pandemic has caused, their enthusiasm to learn and participate seems unwavering even though it is all online-based learning. Witnessing their efforts is motivating and I was glad to learn the kind of program and teachings they do for these children at the Foundation.
- Brayle Mhar Salvador
My clinical internship at A Child's Dream Foundation was a challenge and an opportunity. The current medium of learning and communication-imposed difficulties on how we dealt with tasks and interacted with children. It was unfortunate that we couldn't meet the children personally. Nevertheless, the whole internship experience made me feel like I was with them physically. This clinical training stood as an opportunity to reflect on my future career path. Being with the children for weeks made me see the need for more professionals to offer further child support and special education. We need more child assistance and more people to believe in children's dreams and aspirations.
- Marie Juvilyn Palkit
At first, we were asked about our expectations from the internship, and I answered that I am expecting to learn more about the students and their disorders and how the foundation guides them through their learning and hoping to take away a few lessons that I could bring even until I graduate. The main lesson I got from this internship is the dedication and compassion for teaching children with disabilities. It is important that we do it from our own will and passion for conducting which requires a lot of patience and perseverance in doing. I admire all the teaching staff and Ms. Dimalanta for having the commitment to running the foundation for these children. This is one of the lessons I can take away even after I have graduated from university.
- Ma. Andrea Atos
My time with A Child’s Dream Foundation is an experience that I will always look back into. It was there that I felt the importance of our field in providing care for children with special needs. Though I wish I had more time in the foundation, it did not diminish the great experience that I had. It further cemented in me the want and need to be in a profession of service. Seeing how their work greatly affects the children, I hope I can do the same.
- George Lawrence J. Ged-ang
During the course of three weeks, I was able to grasp how the foundation provides services and guidance to the children. And while attending all of the classes, I realized that these kids also learn the way other kids learn. They’re no different but rather, they’re just a little “extra”. They’re just in need of extra care, extra understanding, and extra attention and supervision. But nonetheless, they gain good sense of self and discover the things that surround them the way that we do— through experience. This whole internship experience brought light and understanding on how we can provide help and utmost understanding to these kids. We don’t need to treat them as if they’re incapable of doing things, because they’re capable, more than we know. What they need is an inclusive environment that will encourage them and their different abilities, for them to prosper. The main lesson that I got through this internship is that being a good psychologist or a mental health professional is not only confined to knowing what’s in the books. Being a good psychologist also comes from our desire to provide genuine care and guidance to those who need it. Our clients/patients will remember us, not on how we flawlessly describe the different diagnoses, but rather they will remember how we cared and empathized, how we provide utmost and genuine care, and how we treated them. This lesson stemmed from how I saw the people in the foundation treat the kids.
- Rhaven Ann Canlas
Being with the foundation made me realize and learn that exceptional children don’t differ much from normal children. These children can dance, draw, paint, and sing just like normal kids. I also realized that simple tasks and activities that we do in our everyday lives help because while they are enjoying, they are also learning. It has significant support for their development. I realize that institutions that offer interventions are fundamental, like ‘A Childs DREAM Foundation,’ because they play an essential role in the wholesomeness of the children.
- Rhea Fe Campana
I was able to gain a lot about the struggles and challenges of the children enrolled in their programs. One of which was the realization that the children in these institutions are just like any other children with just a few more individual challenges. Before, I used to think that children with special needs were very much different from what we perceive as “normal” kids. But I realized, just like any other children, they also like to play, they are curious, they like to express themselves, learn, have interests and hobbies, and are passionate to create and discover. With just enough support from families and institutions, these children can be independent functional beings on their own. With this being said, I also realized how important these kinds of institutions are and how vital special programs are to these groups of children
to help them be functional social beings.
- Marie Saren Argaño
As someone inexperienced in child care, I always had a fear of not being nurturing, friendly, or patient enough, so I dreaded situations wherein I had to cater to children much more so that this time around, we would be with those who have special needs. But every journey, despite the challenges and fears, offers valuable lessons. This internship journey is no different. It warmly welcomed me and reminded
me that I could work through those fears and improve myself to rise above such challenges and have a meaningful bond with children rather than letting my fear limit me. Furthermore, my short interaction with the children made me more aware of individuals with special needs and fueled my resolve to build a genuinely inclusive society.
- Zsarizze Kaye Aniban
My favorite lesson I learned from this internship journey is the importance of support to kids, not only those who have psychological conditions but all kids in general. With my observations, I saw how a simple encouraging word such as “Kaya mo yan” and a compliment such as “Nice” could put a smile on the faces of the children and motivate them to continue what they are doing. These kinds of support can truly have a big impact on them because we are assuring them that what they are doing is just okay and how they express themselves is just perfectly fine. Support can boost their confidence and allow them to freely become whom they want without stressing how others would react to them. Support is vital in every child’s journey to adulthood because if we fill them now with support, love, and understanding, they will definitely grow up not scared of achieving their dreams and living a fulfilling life. Overall, this internship experience opened new doors of discovery, opportunities, and choices for me. I have reflected that in order for me to further my skills and knowledge in Psychology, I should step outside of my comfort zone and test every water that there is. DREAM made me realize the importance of grabbing every opportunity offered to me and genuinely learning from the heart so that I can fulfill my goal of advocating mental health for all.
- Kevin Alay-ay
There are so many lessons I’ve learned from this internship. First is the importance of collaboration or teamwork. Second, how “play” plays an important role to a child’s learning and development holistically. Third is to embrace the ambiguity. Yes, I realized that you’ll never know if you’re ready, until you get there. I also learned the value of research since I have to review information about the foundation, their services and the children with special needs. These lessons I took from my experience in D.R.E.A.M is also a dream come true. It made feel so fulfilled, driven, and inspired to be a Psychology Major and a Mental Health Advocate.
- Kurt Capsula
I think the main lesson that I gained from this internship was to really end the social stigma about children having special needs. This internship opened my eyes to see the beauty in every individual and what they are capable of. The children that I observed were beyond what I know about them and their disorders, they are more capable of what I think they are. I underestimated them, and I think
everyone should have an access to see what I saw, to know what I learned and to understand what I felt when I met these little fellas. Over the past years, the world has been unfair to them, and I think we should learn not only to accept them, but also to understand that there are certain things that are beyond our control. All we need to do is to spread love, understanding, support and empathy for every one out there with special needs or diagnosed with disorders. We should all work hand in hand in order to end the stigma.
- Ma. Angelica Cunanan
I liked the entire concept of the Prescription for Play S.M.A.R.T Series. I’ve heard of special education, but it is focused more on training a child with special needs. The S.M.A.R.T program allowed children to learn and enhance their skills and talents. It is also inclusive, yet it caters specifically to the child’s needs. Seeing the children smile and enjoy themselves while doing the activities always made my day.
I liked working at D.R.E.A.M, especially with Ma’am Anne. I feel that I have grown professionally as well as personally. Seeing how she worked hard to help the children inspired me to think about taking the clinical path (specifically pediatrics) in psychology. I can tell that their goals are genuine to really help a child in need.
- Dominique Gayle Cayad
The most important thing I learned from the Fundation and most especially with the children is that "there is nothing that can limit a child from growing as a complete and unique being"; and that no disability can hinder a child to grow as a good and God fearing individual. The internship experience taught me that I and everyone else can do anything if we are willing to work for it.
- Diane Joselle Depayso
I liked looking forward to seeing the children as they were really engaged and it was such a privilege to see all these different personalities.
Every part of this internship has become a really great experience and avenue for growth for me. It also helped that our supervisor, Ma’am Anne was accommodating and considerate with us.
- Karmella Sigrid Espinoza
Based on our pandemic situation, I think what I liked the most is how A Child’s DREAM Foundation Inc., made things work for our internship. It is memorable because we were able to have a glimpse of what is happening with classes and understanding the children’s cases. I also like how inclusive the foundation is when it comes to us interns, and also based on the website and some stories, even volunteers are welcome. The main lesson I got from this internship is the realization that a clinical set up does not only pertain to check-ups, diagnosis, and treatments because these are just a small fraction of what makes the whole psychological services that we offer to people. In
addition, this realization made me see that our service does not only stop with offering different ways of treatment but it also includes the whole process of healing and having hope for clients and their families.
- Joanna Marie Capiral