Please get your application forms for IDs for your children at the office. With this card, you may avail of 20% discount in the purchase of medicines, fares for domestic air, sea and land travels including public railways and skyways; recreation and amusement centers including theatres, food chains and restaurants; and other incentives and benefits provided for under Republic Act No. 9442.
National Council on Disability Affairs:
Persons with Disabilities finally get 20% discount from Mercury Drugstores Starting May 1, 2011, Persons with Disabilities can already use their Discount ID cards to avail of the 20% discount pursuant to RA 9442 on the purchase of medicines and from all Mercury Drugstores Nationwide. However, before the compliance of Mercury to the said law, the Food and Drug Administration of the Philippines (FDA) released a decision, finding Mercury Drug Corporation liable in violating Chapter 8 Sec 32 (C) of RA 7277 as amended by RA 9442 in relation to AO 2009-0011 on three separate counts of complaints filed against them. The resolution released on February 22, 2011, fines MDCI branches in San Juan, Cainta & Conception, Marikina P50,000.00 on each count of the violation and warns MDCI that any future violation may result to graver sanctions. Mercury Drug Corporation, one of the largest drugstore chains in the Philippines, had earlier supported the petition of the Drugstores Association of the Philippines, Inc. (DSAPI) to prohibit the implementation of NCDA Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2008 together with RA 9442. Although MDCI will continue their support to the Drugstore Association of the Philippines on their petition to the Supreme Court to declare RA 9442 unconstitutional MDCI has committed to implement the 20% discount to comply with the law.
Procedures in ID Issuance to PWDs:
NCDA Administrative Order Series of 2008 (Revised as of March 10, 2008)
B.1 Any bonafide person with permanent disability or his/her caregiver can obtain an application form from either of the following registration centers:
Office of the Mayor
Office of the Barangay Captain
NCDA or its regional counterpart
DSWD Offices
Participating organizations with memorandum of agreements with the Department of Health
B.2 Applicant shall fill up the form, attaches two 1? x 1? picture with his or her signature or thumbmark behind.
B.3 He or she shall obtain a clinical abstract duly signed by any licensed private or government clinic or hospital-based physician and attach it with the application form.
B.4 Applicant, care-giver or registration center personnel then brings or uploads whichever is applicable, the application form and clinical abstract to the nearest City of Municipal Health Office or its satellite offices or stations at the barangay.
B.5 The receiving health office shall screen and perform the necessary medical and other allied medical assessment they deem necessary at no cost to the applicant for the accuracy of the entries with the actual and permanency of the condition of the PWD. If PWD is not ambulatory, the receiving health officer shall do a home visit to validate the entries and disability.
B.6 If entries of the application form and clinical abstract match the actual health condition of the PWD, the form with all attachments goes to the Health Officer of the Main City or Municipal Health Center.
B.7 The City or Municipal Health Officer shall fill up the certification form which shall be designed, reproduced and archived by the City of Municipal Health Office and shll contain but not limited to the following minimum information:
First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name of Applicant PWD
Complete Address
Father’s Name
Mother’s Name
Control Number
Physician’s signature over Printed Name and License Number
B.8 The City or Municipal Health Officer shall affix the control number on the certification form and application form and sign the certificate of disability. The City of Municipal Health Officer shall then enter the duly signed certificate of disability to the Philippine Registry for Persons with Disabilities that can be loaded from the DOH National Office Website.
B.9 Applications that were disapproved shall be advised regarding the deficiencies and shall be allowed to reapply until complied.
B.10 The applicant or care-giver shall bring the duly approved application form and certificate of disability to the City or Municipal Social Welfare Office or NCDA for issuance of the identification card.
B.11 The nearest local Social Welfare Office or NCDA may screen applicants further and require a social case study if warranted.
B.12 If found to be a valid application, the receiving officer of the local SWO or NCDA shall record control number and issues ID to PWDs.
B.13 As to the disability that is not apparent, the establishments may ask from the PWD additional documents as proofs as to his/her disability.
C. Validity and Renewal of the ID Card
The ID card issued to the PWD shall be valid for three years only for the purpose of issuing identification cards. The first issuance shall be for free. For renewal due to expiration, loss or damage, the issuing authorities, Mayor, Barangay Captain and NCDA shall charge minimal fee for the new ID card.