In celebrating Baguio City’s Centennial, A Child’s DREAM (Developmental Rehabilitative Early Assessment and Management) Foundation, Inc. , Baguio’s first pediatric therapy center for special children presents Links of Love: A Caring Community, a week long event series regarding children with special needs, Sep. 3-5, 2009 at the Lions Club International Foundation Clubhouse, Gov. Pack Road, and Sep. 7-8 at SM City Baguio. All seminars and workshops will be held at LCIF. Affiliates of the event include Stanford University and the Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines.
“This event is special because it is the first time alternative therapy methods will be presented to the entire family,” says Dr. Francis Xavier Dimalanta, Founder & Medical Director of A Child’s DREAM.
Links of Love opens with The “Simplicity of Happiness” Art and Photo exhibit, by Clarissse Ortiz & Paulo Canivel. The “Simplicity of Happiness” Artist is a young adult with Down Syndrome, who is deaf and physically handicapped. The exhibit can be viewed by all on Sept. 3 – 5 at the LCIF. Alternative Therapies for Families of Children with Disabilities Workshops featuring Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Music & Art Therapy with Stanford University’s Jemianne Bautista will be held from 9-11 AM and the next session is at 1-3 PM. The Parenting for Special Children Seminar will occur from 3-6 PM. Additional alternative therapy workshops will be offered on Sept. 4 at 9-11 AM and 1-3 PM. The Art Workshop for Special Kids takes place from 3-6 PM. Sept. 5 includes an Early Intervention Seminar, at 9-11 AM and 1-4 PM. Sept. 7 and 8 will feature a continuation of the art and photo exhibit at SM Baguio Event Center, from 10 AM-9 PM & from 10 AM-2 PM, respectively.
Please text 0917-8119032 or call 446-6121 or email to register.